Wish List

Give What’s Needed
We encourage you to organize a drive to collect items that meet the current and most urgent needs of those we serve.
Before making any Wish List donations, please contact The Women’s Center at 817.927.4006 or volunteer@womenscentertc.org.
Wish List Items
New Items Only
New Teddy bears
- (12”–15” in solid neutral colors without decor)
New clothing items (s-xxl) for women and men seen at hospital sexual assault exam sites:
- Lightweight pants with elastic or drawstring waist
- T-shirts
- Underwear
- Sports bras
- New flip flops (Adult Sizes)
Diapers and baby wipes
Full-size toiletries for clients:
- Deodorant
- Toothpaste (not currently needed)
- Toothbrushes (not currently needed)
- Floss
- Shampoo (including textured hair care products)
- Body Wash
Individually packaged snacks (granola bars, peanut butter/cheese crackers, nuts, fruit snacks, etc.)
Grocery gift cards ($25 – $50)
Gift Cards for gas stations ($25-$50) (i.e. QuikTrip or 7-Eleven)
Bottled water
Items for clients seeking employment:
- Resume paper
- Professional portfolios