General Counseling
Client Story, Counseling & Resource Connection
Chloe grew up witnessing family violence, abuse, adultery and, eventually, the abandonment of her father. Her mother became depressed and unable to care for her siblings. Eventually, Chloe—a single mother herself—became the caretaker for her mother, her younger siblings and her child.
The trauma she experienced and pressure to provide for her family—both emotionally and physically—took a toll on her. When Chloe came to The Women’s Center, she was struggling with suicidal thoughts.
Through individual therapy, Chloe learned coping skills to help combat her depression. She also began attending the Women’s Support Group, where she met a network of peers and received emotional support as she coped with her crises.
Today, Chloe has a career she loves, a valuable support system, and a stable home environment. “I feel like my hope is restored, like I can have a better future and give my daughter a better life than what I had. The Women’s Center made me believe again.”