Finding a Job in Today’s World
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In the current climate, the best plan is to approach your job search with fresh eyes. Keep an open mind about how you can apply your experience and abilities to address the company’s current needs. Apply the same urgent, proactive approach you would use if you were completing a project on the job.
Position yourself to be a problem-solver and solutions-finder, rather than a job seeker. A job seeker is simply looking to fill an open position. A solutions-finder is looking to see how their skills align with the problem an employer is trying to solve.
Your Brand
Your personal brand has moved online so make sure your online profiles, posts, and conversations represent you well. A Career Builder study (2018) shows that 70% of employers look at social profiles when researching candidates. Manage your brand so you can impress those who are making decisions about you.
Personal Commercial
The personal commercial is the most essential step in contacting employers. Using this technique says ‘what can I do for the employer’, offering personal selling points to reassure the interviewer that you are qualified and will be a good fit. Your commercial should quickly, concisely, and effectively inform and market you and your skills: the perfect response to, “Tell me about yourself.”
85% of available jobs are filled by leveraging professional connections. Networking can help you tap into positions that may only be available to people referred to the hiring manager. Getting started is easy:
Reconnect with someone you haven’t connected with in a long time. Discuss your job search while catching up. Set a goal to reach out to 2 new people each week. Make sure your network knows you’re looking.
“Begin with the end in mind” – Steven Covey. Keep this focus as you decide what to include in your resume and how to write it. The purpose of the resume is to get an interview. Think of it as a marketing tool to hiring managers needing to solve a problem, and you are the solution to solving that problem. This increases the likelihood of being selected for an interview. Focus on creating a resume that showcases what you bring to the table and how you can contribute.
Besides your qualifications, your manners and professionalism can be a significant factor in whether or not you land a job. Every nuance is taken into account so “showing up” and being conscientious both online and in person will set you apart from your competition.
For all interviews, send a handwritten or e-mailed thank you note within 24 hours. Stand out from your competition—only 40% of job seekers say Thank You!
Look your best and demonstrate interest through your body language, active listening, and a positive attitude.
Let us be your guide
Our Employment Solutions Career Coaches are ready to help you apply these techniques in your job search. Get the support you need by connecting with our Career Coaches at 817.927.4050; email us at jobsnow@womenscentertc.org or view our Information Meeting and complete the Intake Form on our website at https://www.womenscentertc.org/programs/employment-solutions/.