Turning Pain into Possibilities
Volunteer victim advocates, who support survivors of sexual assault at the hospital, pursue this work for many reasons. For Michelle, the reason was personal.
Several years ago, her 12-year-old daughter, McKenna*, was sexually assaulted while out for a jog. Michelle took McKenna to the hospital for a sexual assault exam where they were met by a victim advocate from The Women’s Center. She recalls how the advocate made them both feel safe, believed and supported in their darkest moments.
“I wanted to become a Victim’s Advocate the night I left the hospital. We met a kind woman from the Women’s Center who gave us resources and talked us through the process. I left with a feeling of hope and strength, knowing that as a mother, I had the power to help my daughter take back her worth after her assault. I knew then I wanted to give back that feeling of hope to other people who have been victimized,” said Michelle.
McKenna received a continuum of services at The Women’s Center, from counseling to support throughout the criminal justice process. Michelle not only advocated and supported her daughter through her journey, but realized her goal of becoming a victim advocate to help others in similar situations. She provides crisis services on the 24-Hour Rape Crisis Hotline and onsite at the hospital because she understands the difference an advocate can make in the life of a victim.
“The Women’s Center has become a huge part of who I am! They have given me purpose. What better way of showing your gratitude but to give back to those that have helped you?” said Michelle.
To learn more about becoming a Women’s Center volunteer, click here.
*not her real name