Rape Crisis & Victim Services

Turning Pain Into Possibilities
4,869 Children and Adults Served in 2024
- Every 98 seconds, somewhere in America, someone is sexually assaulted—every 11 minutes, that victim is a child.
- 1 in 3 women experience domestic violence.
- 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys will be sexually abused before their 18th birthday.
Violence happens every day – homicide, sexual assault, child sexual abuse, domestic violence, home invasions, drunk driving incidents. Every day, The Women’s Center is there to help survivors of all types of violence and their loved ones.
We are also proud to operate one of the most comprehensive and distinguished rape crisis programs in the country, serving survivors of all ages and genders who have experienced both stranger and non-stranger abuse/assault.
This is where healing starts.

Crisis Intervention
1,956 24-Hour Hotline Callers in 2024
1,675 Survivors Counseled at Rape Exam Sites in 2024
Sexual Assault Crisis Hotline
24 hours a day, seven days a week, every day of the year, our team is here to help. It doesn’t matter if an assault occurred that day or decades prior, our caring advocates will provide support to help survivors take the next step.
Rape Exam Support
In addition to our 24-hour on-call coverage to 15 hospitals in Tarrant County, we have full-time Hospital Advocates stationed onsite at JPS Hospital 7 days a week to provide advocacy, case management and support to sexual assault survivors as well as survivors of other types of violent crimes such as domestic violence, gun shot wounds and elder abuse. Our advocates act as a liaison between the survivor, family members, law enforcement, and the hospital staff.
In-Person Crisis Intervention & Advocacy
We provide in-person care and support to survivors and their loved ones with no appointment necessary. From 9 am to 5 pm, Monday – Friday, you can walk in and speak directly to our team.
Case Management
Our on-site case managers connect survivors with resources for their immediate needs, such as transportation, housing, and assistance in applying for Crime Victims’ Compensation.

Client Story

Rape Crisis and Victim Services
Betsy, Sexual Assault Survivor, Former Volunteer
Betsy was a victim of a serial rapist who was responsible for more than 30 known assaults. While waiting to be seen in the ER, a victim advocate from The Women’s Center showed up to provide support and resources. “She was very calming during my exam and police questioning. She reassured me that it wasn’t my fault.”
458 Women & Men Received Research-Based Therapy to Overcome the Trauma of Violence in 2024
103 Children Received Therapy to Overcome the Trauma of Abuse in 2024
50 Parents/Guardians and Significant Others Received Therapy in 2024
While the past can’t be erased, survivors can heal from the trauma they’ve suffered. Our counseling services are designed to promote healing for every survivor we interact with and their loved ones.
Individual Counseling
Master’s level therapists provide counseling for survivors of all ages who are victims of rape, sexual abuse, and other violent crimes.
Group Therapy & Classes
Support groups, therapy groups, and trauma classes are available at a variety of times & locations. Call us today to learn more.
Client Story

Rape Crisis and Victim Services
Shelby, Child Sexual Abuse Survivor
Shelby was a childhood sexual abuse survivor. When she started counseling at the age of five, like many children who’ve experienced trauma, she was fearful of unfamiliar environments. At her […]
Legal Services
294 Victims Received Legal Assistance from an In-House Attorney in 2024
Legal counsel and representation are provided to survivors of sexual harassment, sexual assault and abuse, domestic/dating violence, and stalking.
Legal matters we can address include:
Protective Orders
Family Law Cases
Housing Issues
Education & Advocacy

Criminal Justice Accompaniment
Dealing with the criminal justice system can leave survivors feeling unheard, scared, and challenged. That’s why highly qualified staff members and volunteers work closely with the district attorney’s office to prepare children and adults for court proceedings, and accompany any victim through a variety of criminal justice processes, including law enforcement interviews, law enforcement procedures and trials.
TCSAAC Conference
The Tarrant County Sexual Abuse Advisory Council (TCSAAC) invites anyone interested to attend their annual conference, which will be held in April. Learn more using the link below!